Sunday, July 13, 2008

The First Prophecy Concerning Newark, NJ

I posted this prophecy at:

14243. The Lord Says
by ewrpodcast, 7/2/08 0:46 ET

The Lord Almighty says that there are mockers in this great city of Newark, that shall begin to eat the fruit of their labor. They have tried to hold this city down, says the Lord, but with My power and might, I shall crush them with one swift blow.

In one single day, I shall do this says the Lord, and it shall cause a great joy to sweep throughout this city, and the news outlets of this nation shall hear of it, says the Lord.

Don't mock says the Lord, for I am tired of the mockers. I am tired of them, for they have caused an annoyance to be heard, which smells like rotten fish in My nostrils. The time has come for the mockers of this city Newark, to be judged, says the Lord.

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