My work with the Mission is bringing me here (Swartswood State Park) on Wednesdays this July, and this past Wednesday (yesterday) I blogged a frustrated post from my BlackBerry only later deciding to delete it (for a couple reasons). However, in that post, I promised to post a picture from where I was sitting (along with that link, above is the picture). One last thing I'd like to do (to complete this post) is re-post the message I deleted from Wednesday. Here it is:
I'm a bit frustrated with my 8820 BlackBerry: I can't tweet, can't access my notepad and even find accessing certain phone numbers difficult. The little roller ball is not installed at the moment. The ball compartment of this phone has been giving me trouble for awhile and finally had its last stand last night. I went on ebay to order the new compartment, but until it arrives, I have limited ability with this phone. I can't access facebook messages, can only read the first few words of text messages and can read only titles of emails. It's quite a strange feeling having to deal with it all. Hopefully the new piece will be in tomorrow, for I need the speed and convenience this phone has to offer I tell you! Anyway, that is that. I suppose the upside is that I'm at the beautiful Swartswood State Park in northern New Jersey. What I will do is take a picture and show you the view from where I'm sitting. Be blessed!